The JIDF sites says it has removed more than 100 antisemitic groups from Facebook.
Although antisemitism has declined over the past 35 years, the activities of some antisemitic groups have intensified, possibly a result of increasing marginalization of antisemitic viewpoints.
There were a number of right-wing nationalist and antisemitic groups in Ukraine in the 1990s.
Writing at the time, he identified the Third Republic's influential conservative, revanchist and antisemitic groups with a "militarist dictatorship".
The Paukers' ethnicity made their two newspapers preferred targets of attacks by the local antisemitic groups.
Mahler had been associated with the violent far-left Red Army Faction in the 1970s, but has since become a supporter of far-right and antisemitic groups.
As Einsatzgruppe A advanced into Lithuania, it actively recruited local nationalists and antisemitic groups.
List's disciples, however, became active in the Reichshammerbund and the Germanenorden, two "historically significant", "virulently antisemitic groups" in Germany.
However, the Neturei Karta group do support violent, antisemitic terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas.
Although antisemitism has declined over the past 35 years, the activities of some antisemitic groups have intensified.