The publication of an annual survey of antisemitic incidents and trends throughout the world.
A number of antisemitic incidents have occurred in Belgium in recent years.
About 100 antisemitic incidents were reported, including two violent acts in 2001 and one in early 2002.
As the following table shows, the number of antisemitic incidents declined between 2009 and 2010, then, in 2011, rose to reach a new peak.
Jewish children often fell victim to antisemitic incidents on their way to or from school.
Over the past few years, there have been some antisemitic incidents in Transnistria.
Despite such fears, there have been no publicized antisemitic incidents directly attributable to the movie's influence.
There have only been occasional antisemitic incidents in recent years:
Attacks on Jews and antisemitic incidents were recorded in 1955, 1964 and 1967.
It was the first antisemitic incident of its kind in the United States to achieve widespread publicity.