This anxiety usually decreases over time.
A randomized study by Sutarto et al. assessed the effect of resonant breathing biofeedback among manufacturing operators; depression, anxiety and stress significantly decreased.
Reports indicate confusion, decreased anxiety to the point of negative affect, and aggressiveness.
I actually was having bad anxiety before i started it and have been on it a few wks and anxiety decreased some.
Other effects of barbiturate intoxication include drowsiness, lateral and vertical nystagmus, slurred speech and ataxia, decreased anxiety, a loss of inhibitions.
An overactive bladder and bladder control problems that accompany it cause loss of sleep, decreased sexual activity, depression, anxiety, and a fear of social activities.
His anxieties did not decrease.
Depressed mood, suicidal tendencies, somatic anxiety, and hypochondriasis significantly decreased in the active group as compared with the control.