Not knowing what it is can be anxiety provoking.
Before seeking a second opinion, a patient should know that he may end up with conflicting advice, a situation that can be anxiety provoking.
People who have panic disorder are more sensitive to the anxiety provoking effects of caffeine.
The most recent warnings also contained something that psychologists say can make a threat less anxiety provoking: specific details.
Therefore, it is difficult to redirect the attention focus away from the negative, anxiety provoking cue.
In psychotherapy, state resistance can occur at a certain moment, when an anxiety provoking experience is triggered.
While challenging, the bees are decidedly less anxiety provoking than their school counterparts.
Anxious avoidance is when a person avoids anxiety provoking situations by all means.
"The time spent waiting for a cab is probably more anxiety provoking than getting in a car or taking mass transit," he said.
Remember, most manipulators will go to great lengths to avoid looking inside too deeply because this tends to be very anxiety provoking.