And no doubt you are anxiously seeking it.
Consternation showed on Rydel's face as he gazed about, anxiously seeking his daughter.
She had the almost translucent skin that often went with such coloring and her eyes, anxiously seeking his, were an amazing shade of blue.
These formerly communist countries were anxiously seeking aid, trade, and technical benefits from the developed countries, such as Japan.
Then she turned and sought anxiously for Ilissa.
But why would the unconscious so anxiously seek to please that archetypal authority figure, the doctor?
The Assembly is anxiously seeking more education aid for New York City.
Do not seek so anxiously to be developed, to subject yourself to many influences to be played on; it is all dissipation.
Without military employment, though eagerly and anxiously seeking it, he was not about to settle into his second retirement.
He sought anxiously in the melee below for a sign of the spiked helmet and the flashing axe.