Apart from its role as a museum, it is only used for ceremonial purposes on state occasions such as diplomatic functions and official events.
Indeed, the industry says, wine should never be considered apart from its role at the table, whether at home or when dining out.
Apart from their re-supply role, wagon-trains were designed for military operations against Mutes.
Apart from his professional role, some have taken issue with one aspect of his personal life in particular: Hastings is openly homosexual.
Apart from their normal role in the above, the particular task of Steve's section was to check the twelve Skyhawks two.
The first few years of Clarke's professional career were largely theatrical, apart from her role in Dragonslayer.
Apart from their vital role in the present, much of the photographic history written in future times will be based on these magazines.
Yet the book has value apart from its vital role in God's message of salvation.
Apart from his role in the ensemble, he was the understudy of three of the main characters.
Apart from their independent role, anapaests are sometimes used as substitutions in iambic verse.