He was to spend the first 24 years of his life (apart from three years at boarding school) in the small western district town of Skipton.
Apart from four early years the constituency has returned a Conservative s since its creation in 1918.
Apart from two years as a jackaroo, Service worked in Sydney until he moved to Canberra in 1964 as an executive of Moteliers.
He has lived in London since 1972, apart from two years in Zimbabwe 1980 - 1982.
Since 1995 Labour has controlled the council apart from 4 years between the 2007 and 2011 elections.
Apart from two years of schooling, he was self-taught.
He spent virtually his entire club career with the Shamrocks, apart from three years in Belfast with St John's, 1976-79.
His first employment was as an army doctor, which he remained, apart from three years in Chile, until 1922.
In 1928 she went to Nationaltheatret, where she stayed until 1972, apart from two years (1933-35) at Det Nye Teater.
It went along with what Ceri had said about demons being no more powerful than a witch, apart from several thousand years of storing charms and curses inside themselves.