Some South African officials say they hope that will happen after Parliament scraps the last apartheid legislation this month.
Openly racialist, the party codified and expanded racial segregation with the new apartheid legislation.
By comparison, the group said, 24 organizations were curtailed by the Government between 1950, after the first apartheid legislation was enacted, and 1987.
The repeal of apartheid legislation like the notorious pass laws happened after blacks widely ignored them, not because the Congress opposed them.
During apartheid, the state used it to regulate the movement of people and impose apartheid legislation.
The National Party had won the 1948 election in South Africa, subsequently apartheid legislation was introduced.
Repeal of the Population Registration Act, the last major piece of apartheid legislation, is planned later.
It was among the first pieces of apartheid legislation to be passed following the National Party's rise to power in 1948.
By the end of the campaign, the government arrested 8,000 people, but was forced to temporarily relax its apartheid legislation.
The fighting in Port Elizabeth centered on areas set aside by apartheid legislation for people of mixed racial descent.