He had long, apelike arms that were joined together thoughtfully now over his large belly.
He adjusted the settings, and the homunculi shambled forward, apelike arms taking part of the weight off their forward-leaning torsos.
A gangling figure with long, apelike arms appeared.
One of them, a tall woman with long, apelike arms, grimaced with alarm at the idea.
The stocky man with the apelike arms, known as Scar Bates, had served a term in prison for robbing the mails.
Gnarled hands on apelike, malformed arms clawed at his face with insensate rage, and changed even as they tore at him.
They were huge, with apelike arms and claws instead of fingers.
Finally he became enraged and rushing upon her, seized her in his long, apelike arms.
I slammed into the ogre just as he began to lift his apelike arms.
The fellow was short and stout, with an unusually low and degraded countenance and apelike arms.