Germ tubes protrude from the apical end of conidia.
Prior to rupture, the protein is concentrated at the apical end, following which it distributes itself entirely across the surface of the free merozoite.
Their rims are visibly asymmetric and are highest near the apical end of the lid.
The apical 2/3 is brown, gradually brightening toward the apical end of the cell.
There is significantly greater convergence of this type of neuron towards the basal end in comparison with the apical end.
Nevertheless, recent descriptions of shells with preserved apical ends have aided in the classification of major taxa.
Dorsal annuli only begin to form when the rod has almost filled the entire siphncle toward to apical end.
The apical end of the lamina is typically rounded, but may be narrowed and obtuse.
The antennae are generally long, with the segments closest to the body exhibiting thickening at their apical ends.
Probably the apical end of Cameroceras or Vaginoceras.