In Ran, the vehicle for apocalyptic destruction is the arquebus, an early firearm that was introduced to Japan in the 16th century.
More apocalyptic destruction, or something more interesting?
However, the ritual set in motion continues, threatening apocalyptic destruction.
Even before the tsunami's apocalyptic destruction shocked the combatants on both sides here, tentative moves were under way to find an exit from an unwinnable war.
Ok, so the end of her character was kinda dumb, but can you name a decent movie that *didn't* end in an apocalyptic destruction of the area that demands the protagonists flee for their lives?
It is themed as an apocalyptic destruction.
Savoring the apocalyptic destruction, Chen followed the remainder of her team toward their ultimate destination: Phoolan Dhasal's biological shop of horrors.
He does not wonder why there is still no official estimate of deaths in the bombings of Iraq, bombings that the United Nations recently described as inflicting "apocalyptic" destruction.
Organised in partnership with the Laing gallery, Newcastle, John Martin: Apolalypse brings together his most famous paintings of apocalyptic destruction and biblical disaster from collections around the world, as well as previously unseen and newly-restored works.
Forced to depart from Suxavat by its apocalyptic destruction, Urim's final journey to the Andes reveals to him the mirror-image of the Hindu Kush of his origins.