The programme centred on an English teenager named Paul who is haunted by apocalyptic dreams.
Briefly Kim thought of the dreams Jelka had once had -those vivid, almost apocalyptic dreams of threat and rescue.
I thought of Charlie Manson's apocalyptic dream: Veedubs converted to armored dune buggies - heavy artillery for the race war Helter Skelter was going to foment.
In the fourth novel, Odd Hours Odd is drawn to Magic Beach where he experiences an apocalyptic dream and investigates a plot of cataclysmic proportions.
In these apocalyptic dreams, he imagines flashing, otherworldly realms at the brink of consciousness.
Another part of me shrank from such apocalyptic dreams and just wanted everything to go back - as much as was possible - to the way it had been before all this had started, though with a feeling of personal security based this time on knowledge and hidden authority, not ignorance and blithe naivety.
Ah, Stil, I live in an apocalyptic dream.
On the surface, Van Morrison's Celtic mysticism and Neil Young's apocalyptic dreams seem to have little in common, but they originated from the same place.
Differentials between sections of the labour force could be expected to grow, fostering the emergence of a 'labour aristocracy' with little interest in apocalyptic dreams of revolution.
I would like to melt in the world and for the world to melt orgasmically in me and thus in our delirium to engender an apocalyptic dream, strange and grandiose like all crepuscular visions.