It could be attacks of apocalyptic proportions; attacks aimed at obliterating our civilization as we know it-unless we act decisively.
Surtur was depicted as an immense and malevolent elemental fire demon whose power was of apocalyptic proportions.
The present struggle between Egypt and Syria is assuming in his eyes apocalyptic proportions.
If we do go up in a fireball of apocalyptic proportions, at least you'll have the satis-faction of knowing that the universe has been saved.
We'll have to have something else - a new cliffhanger, a new personal drama inflated to apocalyptic proportions.
The dangers in ozone layer destruction are of apocalyptic proportions.
Or," he muttered in a lower voice, "there might be a nuclear fireball of apocalyptic proportions.
Murphy takes this phenomenon one step further-by imagining an event of apocalyptic proportions.
Soon the terror, already difficult to bear during the last years of Obote's rule, assumed apocalyptic proportions.
In a way, Q's intervention only confirmed the ailing scientist's conviction that he was on the verge of a breakthrough of apocalyptic proportions.