Older residents expressed a fear of terrorism, and some cast the conflict in apocalyptic terms drawn directly from the Bible.
Each side is attacking the other in apocalyptic terms.
"People will eventually come to see this moment in apocalyptic terms."
Yet on both sides of the issue, those close to the battle describe the stakes in apocalyptic terms.
Much of the elite has spoken of the constitution's defeat in apocalyptic terms.
When the culture war is framed in apocalyptic terms - homosexuals want to destroy the country!
Dozens of residents spoke, and many described Syracuse in apocalyptic terms.
He added, "To look at this in sort of apocalyptic terms is, I think, rather misguided."
Using less apocalyptic terms, defense lawyers urged Judge Ito to do the same thing.
Others referred to her in almost apocalyptic terms, making unproven charges about her past.