His apocalyptic warnings of disasters to come were often exaggerated for effect.
The apocalyptic warnings were everywhere, and expressly where they didn't belong.
The children are all too familiar with the apocalyptic warnings of climate change.
By their increasingly apocalyptic warnings, Community leaders risk magnifying the damage of a defeat in the Sept. 20 referendum.
The only one who seems genuinely worried is Mr. Quaid, playing a scientist whose apocalyptic warnings are ignored until it's too late.
Why does this apocalyptic warning cause me no more alarm than a weather forecast of drizzle with the possibility of showers?
Despite apocalyptic warnings about degrees becoming worthless as the number of graduates soars, in financial terms they are maintaining their value and more.
IT'S the peak of the holiday season, and the air is filled with apocalyptic warnings tied to the turn of the millennium.
As a legal strategy, the apocalyptic warnings are understandable.
The Teddy Boys were arousing similar apocalyptic warnings of the end of British society.