Other sources probably included the Bible itself, legends, apocryphal writings and other illustrations.
Others shared Zhang's opinion and the calendar was not altered, yet Zhang's proposal that apocryphal writings should be banned was rejected.
Other apocryphal writings tell of her subsequent death and bodily Assumption of Mary into heaven.
Quite prevalent were apocryphal writings as well as translated tales.
They were also interested in apocryphal writings that were obtuse and esoteric.
The story of Craton comes from apocryphal writings such as the account of John's life by the Pseudo-Abdias.
There are also a number of other apocryphal writings, not recognized by the Church, that have been either attributed to or written about St. Peter.
He excluded what he called "apocryphal writings" entirely.
St. Athanasius is often quoted as endorsing 39 books in his Old Testament, rejecting any apocryphal (Pseudepigraphs) writings.
It fits better with later apocryphal writings.