The nuns joined the lemmings and darted over an immense cliff called apostolic activity.
Considering the 'changing times' he was quite open to new apostolic activities.
Roothaan increased the breadth of apostolic activities, and in a vibrant letter (De missionum exterarum desiderio, 1833) he called for volunteers for the foreign missions.
The largest part of the apostolic activity of the prelature is what the individual members do with their friends and colleagues in their respective communities and workplaces.
There is a weekly apostolic course for most grades, which involves either some apostolic activity around the city (ex.
These associations provide the parishioners with a powerful means of sanctification and an oppirtunity to take part in apostolic activities.
He developed apostolic activities in the North, but had to struggle to maintain the Society's independence in the face of interferences of the local bishop.
During his lifetime, his apostolic activity miraculously proceeded onwards with the help of donations from all sectors of society.
The Christian education of youth has always been the Congregation's principal apostolic activity.
The then Provincial mother Declan was contemplating opening new avenues for apostolic activities.