The Apostolic Tradition poses a number of critical problems including the question as to whether the liturgies were ever used.
He evidently sees himself in the apostolic tradition.
Furthermore, they present the picture of an organized Church made up of many different cross-cultural, sister churches sharing one apostolic tradition.
Later sources, Tertullian and the Apostolic Tradition, offer some details from around the year 200.
It criticizes "false teachers" who distort the authentic, apostolic tradition, and predicts judgment for them.
He stated that the 2nd-century church was very diverse and included many "heretical" groups that had an equal claim to apostolic tradition.
Konmoto's primary concern has been to establish independent and self-supporting churches faithful to the apostolic tradition.
He wanted only to effect such reforms in the Church as were consistent with the apostolic and truly evangelical traditions of the Church.
98 Other gnostics, including the followers of Valentinus, did not challenge the bishop's right to teach the common apostolic tradition.
Thus the Council interpreted on the Apostolic Tradition.