Female houses differed from male Dominican houses in a lack of apostolic work for the women.
During this, his last post which lasted 32 years, he accomplished remarkable apostolic work among his fellow members of the Institute.
"A priest must die from apostolic hard work; there is no other death worthy of a priest."
May our apostolic work be affirmed and expanded in the years ahead.
In 1991 Moon announced that church members should return to their hometowns and undertake apostolic work there.
The monastic community of Hanga provides various forms of apostolic work.
During this time, the men are expected to be fully involved in the apostolic work and community life of the Society.
He worked in many places: the island of Bant, long since sunk beneath the sea, is mentioned as the scene of his apostolic work.
Next would come the mission of the Church, what the Church does in liturgy and apostolic work.
He allowed four priests to do apostolic work among the early Christian communities scattered in and around Cochin.