Brinnin has more recently, however, attracted criticism for his apparent abandonment of Thomas in the days leading up to the poet's death.
The real change, as some see it, was the apparent abandonment of all other gods, especially Amun, and the debatable introduction of monotheism by Akhenaten.
He gave various explanations for the apparent abandonment of plans to film the sequel trilogy:
The final blow in a decade of reverses, 1977-87, was the apparent abandonment of the Palestine cause by the Arab world.
It is heavily implied she was enraged at her apparent abandonment at Abstergo by the Assassin order.
The apparent abandonment of their traditional ways was more than a little disturbing.
This was in part because her mother's wolf instincts could not understand his apparent abandonment during her pregnancy, and sensitive Polgara had picked up on this.
Many fail to make such a transition, and become embittered by their apparent abandonment by their children.
Some scientists point to the apparent abandonment of Atlit Yam around the same time as further evidence that such a tsunami did indeed occur.
The apparent abandonment was the more perplexing in that when Pentaquod inspected the site closely he became convinced of its suitability.