Though it is even more rare than the savant condition itself, some savants have no apparent abnormalities other than their unique abilities.
Mice homozygous for the targeted allele were viable, with no apparent abnormalities.
No apparent abnormalities were visible.
The idea behind the stress test is that cardiac abnormalities not apparent when a person is resting might show up when he is working out.
The researchers found an apparent abnormality in the blood of babies who died of the syndrome.
The astronomer who died had been tested at sea level and had no apparent abnormalities.
Essential myoclonus occurs in the absence of epilepsy or other apparent abnormalities in the brain or nerves.
This research has spurred efforts to identify prenatal factors that may have some bearing on the apparent developmental abnormality.
Charlotte continued to stare, fascinated by his apparent abnormality.
The physician found him in fair health with no apparent abnormalities, although seventeen kilos overweight.