What is more, females seem to exert choice over the males that seek to herd them, sometimes swimming alongside them in apparent contentment, but at other times working furiously to escape, and often succeeding.
It suggests, among a people stereotypically given to the pleasures of love, a skepticism, a cynicism even, a sense of existential futility lying beneath the surface of apparent contentment.
She introduced three multicolored mongrels who share a half-acre plot with apparent contentment.
I thought about Maggie and Lucille, their apparent contentment with apartment living, inanimate food, me.
It was wandering around the corral in apparent contentment, eating leaves from the trees.
Now he was humming and crooning to himself in apparent contentment, and he had not yet dropped his reins.
The setlet had promptly coiled his tail about the boy's waist and rested his head against his shoulder in apparent contentment.
The records offer a snapshot of Rilya's first years, a time described in the reports as filled with rejection and abandonment, with only brief flashes of apparent contentment.
He is proud "of the good order, of the prosperousness, of the apparent contentment of the Indians" in his Mission.