But behind all the apparent disagreement is a 34-year-old friendship that both men say has been the driving force for their most important work.
He quit at the start of the 2007-08 season following an apparent disagreement, and was placed on gardening leave until June 30, 2008.
The result of this apparent disagreement is that both parishes agree to settle the score next year, and the rivalry is thus perpetuated.
Tony Snow, the White House spokesman, tried to paper over the apparent disagreement on Tuesday.
The apparent disagreement between the two approaches is caused by a combination of factors.
The eighth and final season saw Eric Fleming controversially depart the series after an apparent disagreement with producers.
There was even apparent disagreement over the direction the proposed campaign should take.
Many in the audience stopped practically in midclap, in apparent disagreement.
There is an apparent disagreement in the sources as to exactly what time this meeting took place.
Coastal's president and chief executive, James R. Paul, resigned in an apparent disagreement with the chairman.