What went unmentioned in tonight's hourlong event, however, was the recent talk of the campaign: the apparent disarray in Ms. McCaughey Ross's camp.
Throughout the interrogation the Anointed's advisors had been staring down her neckline, too polite to mention her apparent disarray; a Godsworlder woman would have noticed their stares and fixed the collar.
Backers of the bill are encouraged by some apparent disarray in the gun lobby as well as the election of a new Senate perceived as more sympathetic to gun control.
The smaller vessels outside the harbor entrance were in apparent disarray.
There are those who would take advantage of our apparent disarray.
The plan, for instance, may call for the Rigante to attack suddenly, and then fall back in apparent disarray, leading the enemy to think they have won.
But there is a delicate order to the apparent disarray.
With the Federal managers gone, the housing authority's Board of Commissioners has regained control of the agency, picking up where they left off a year ago in apparent disarray.
Books were piled everywhere in apparent disarray, and empty spaces gaped along all of the shelves.
The trial opened with the Governor's defense team in apparent disarray.