Despite his apparent disdain for everything American from feminism to modern art, she finds herself drawn to him.
Despite her apparent disdain for humanity, she has revealed that she would like nothing more than to be able to fit in with them and be happy.
Damar wondered what the man had done to earn Dukat's apparent disdain.
On every important issue, the region simmers with resentment of the United States and its apparent disdain for the Arabs.
Ulysses' apparent disdain for those around him is another facet of the ironic perspective.
"I pity my poor cousin," Sabrina said, her disdain for Oliver apparent in her expression.
I chalked up this apparent disdain for timetables and directions to Quebec's idiosyncratic, laid-back character.
Plus,given the apparent disdain of actual verifiable facts by whoever did the table, maybe, for Glasgow, someone typed in 210 instead of 110.
He is distinctive from other christian fiction authors in his apparent disdain for religion.
Pringle's apparent disdain for her profession began to hurt her career, and by the late 1920s her roles became fewer.