The math program's decline at Garfield became apparent following the departure of Escalante and other teachers associated with its inception and development.
Mr. Davis's flexibility was most apparent following Mr. Bluhdorn's death.
Results are already apparent, she said, noting that the Merrill Lynch Growth fund fell by 24 percent in 1998 but returned 26 percent last year, following a manager change.
The emphasis on manufacturing, especially that done under licence, became even more apparent following the imposition of a 20% duty on imported machine tools and reduced demand, both triggered by the Great Depression.
The power of the king as a uniting symbol for the Baganda became apparent following his deportation by the protectorate government in 1953.
The support network became more apparent following a February 1973 arms discovery at the Iraqi embassy in Islamabad during an operation by Pakistani security forces initiated by preliminary intelligence information.
While some policy corrections would be implemented over the next 30 years, continued insufficient capacity of railroad transportation would become apparent following the harvest season of 1906.
The inferiority of the timberclad vessels to the ironclad warships was ever more apparent following the battle, particularly their lack of a stern gun.
The need for this type of military element became apparent following Hurricane Katrina.
Chanute's transition from peace to war became apparent immediately following Japan's surprise attack.