Meanwhile, the man who perpetrated the injury, Knicks guard John Starks, was prancing with apparent impunity on the floor.
One result, however, was the growth nationally of drug bazaars, safe havens where small-time dealers and buyers could do their business with apparent impunity.
Many other residents said that dealers, mostly in their late teens or early 20's, sell drugs with apparent impunity in East River Park, across the drive.
In addition a gang of pickpockets and bag-snatchers was operating in the New Mall, with apparent impunity from the law.
Here the "terrorists" are the lane weavers, who cut across from right to left with apparent impunity and undiminished speed.
Both men were discharged on condition that they behave themselves as "good subjects and civil men", but Roberts thereafter continued to call the Comptroller an "ugly rogue" with apparent impunity.
I have clocked 18-wheel tractor-trailers at speeds in the low 80's while passenger cars routinely drive at those speeds, with apparent impunity.
Defying this edict, one recent high school graduate is said to have honored his class year by circling 91 times, with apparent impunity.
He was grabbed in Medellin, a city where leftist guerrillas, narcotics traffickers, paramilitary gangs and common criminals all operate with apparent impunity.
The evidence supports their complete disregard for these, and the apparent impunity that America enjoys on her killing sprees.