The elections were declared invalid on Oct. 24, and a rerun was held last week with no apparent irregularities.
But today, the party leader, Chief Mangosuthu G. Buthelezi, hinted that his party might withdraw over apparent irregularities that inconvenienced voters.
The other guests were obviously well aware of the apparent irregularity and stared at him covertly all through the meal.
In the absence of a special prosecutor, he said, the Justice Department will have "an extra heavy responsibility to look into the apparent irregularities."
An apparent irregularity was detected then and was confirmed the next day by an angiogram, which shows how blood is flowing through the arteries to the heart.
Merrill Lynch also discovered apparent irregularities related to transactions conducted in 1991 with Armacon.
The center-left prime minister, Branko Crvenkovski, was declared the winner of the presidential elections held Wednesday, in spite of apparent irregularities.
In particular, the spatial irregularity apparent in Fig. 22.8 reflects irregular fluctuations in time.
In the 1980s and 1990s, Robert Harrington led a search to determine the real cause of the apparent irregularities.
Investigative journalists from media opposed to the government reported a number of apparent irregularities in the investigation.