An apparent malfunction with the timers prevented the rockets from being launched.
Following this Lani is critically injured while in cryo-sleep by an apparent malfunction.
There were no apparent malfunctions, so far as could be detected with the battery of instrumentation that had been set up exterior to the Machine.
But there was an apparent malfunction in Houston's spell, a missing ingredient in his potion.
An apparent malfunction was giving t'Stror a low, guttural, but definitely feminine, voice.
There's no apparent malfunction that we can find.
A check on our sensor network shows everything operational, there is no readily apparent malfunction in that system.
An apparent malfunction in the propulsion system of the rocket's first stage caused the explosion, project officials reported.
"It is on a direct intercept course and appears to be suffering no apparent malfunction or other danger."
The plane suddenly bucks and an apparent malfunction occurs and the plane crashes.