A brief energy surge with no apparent result may leave them wondering, but it won't set off any alarms.
This is compared to some minscule number, the studies that have apparent results in the visible spectrum.
The attempts cost over $23 million, with little apparent result.
The struggle continued with the same deadly tenacity, but without apparent result.
The apparent result was that they simply exaggerated the count to match their goals.
When the android's body has been finished, the new tape is loaded, but with no apparent results.
This is the magic of illusion, which requires the least effort for the greatest apparent result.
Spock attempted to establish mental contact, with no apparent results.
China has been the host for three rounds of six-nation talks since 2003, with no apparent results.
The only apparent result was a faint click, but the door did not close as the engineer climbed into the car.