But a growing number of legal and medical experts are warning that the apparent tranquillity of a lethal injection may be deceptive.
They did not shake hands, but when Sulla sat down, Caesar resumed his own seat with apparent tranquillity.
His sons Gael and Moret sat beside him, aware that despite his apparent tranquillity their father's mood was darkening moment by moment.
But La Faloise's imbecile pleasantry had upset him in spite of his apparent tranquillity.
Kenny Lindsay and old Arch Bug were sharing out tobacco, stuffing their pipes in apparent tranquillity.
Billy, terrified by her apparent tranquillity, scrambled around and found the towels and a plastic container of Wet Ones.
But I've always been haunted by the thought that underneath that apparent tranquillity lurk things that are dangerous and frightening, that could in a moment catch fire.
They express their joy at Parisina's happiness and Azzo's apparent tranquillity.
Foreign tourists remark that they are surprised by the apparent racial tranquillity of the city.
Capital punishment: Some legal and medical professionals are stating warnings about the apparent tranquillity of a lethal injection, declaring this may be deceptive.