On 17 February 1937, he appeared for the first time at the Metropolitan Opera.
His successful Parisian performances led to an invitation for him to appear at the Metropolitan Opera, where he sang in 1911-12.
It was not until 1955 that the singer, at age 52, appeared at the Metropolitan Opera - the first black to sing there.
Although it is not likely to appear at the Metropolitan Opera any time soon, there is a close connection.
Between 1963 and 1991 he appeared in a total of 1,410 performances at the Metropolitan Opera.
After 1958 McFerrin appeared no more at the Metropolitan Opera.
He appeared again at the Metropolitan Opera, and sang in Chicago during the 1920-21 season.
She also appeared at the Metropolitan Opera.
He has since appeared at the Metropolitan Opera.
As opera conductor he appears regularly since 2012 at the Metropolitan Opera.