The bodyguard appeared from the outside room and came to join his chief.
Joanna's head appeared above the crude ladder from the room downstairs.
Marie, roused by the entrance of the doctor, appeared, hurriedly, from the next room.
Then, the crouched form of Foy appeared from the inner room.
After a moment, the bartender appeared from the back room, wiping his hands on his faded shirt.
Then a wild figure wearing one boot appeared from the other room, swinging gunbelts about his hips.
A white-haired woman appears from the next room with a large steaming bowl, which she places before Charla.
The audience only hears his booming voice as if he were about to appear from the next room.
I found myself half-expecting to see Barragán appear from the next room and sit down on one of his club chairs.
When Hendrix gave his summons, the melancholy secretary appeared from the other room.