Due to the album's success, Dollarman started appearing in US and European venues.
Jenilca is a strong artist, along her career she has appeared in large venues in her short career.
Articles discussing Internetware also appear in various venues by international authors.
Other guest performers included hip-hop group Stavento who appeared in select venues.
She continues to appear in venues nationwide, in concerts and in speaking engagements.
Less commonly, they may also appear in other venues such as restaurants, food courts, grocery shops and auto dealerships.
He has appeared in important venues and festivals in four continents.
Short stories also appeared in other venues such as two anniversary specials produced by the editors of the Radio Times.
In addition to her orchestral performances, she has appeared in many regional and national venues as a soloist.
Before his break in television, his first theatre appearances were in variety, where he appeared in venues throughout the country.