Babaji was said to have appeared to each of them independently and then brought them together in order to work for his Mission in 1942.
They noted that the depiction of phosphenes could appear independently in different areas due their common basis in the human nervous system.
The Watcher then appears independently as a pillar of light, fueled by the "circle of friendship".
Those aspects can appear independently of each other, but only in combination they constitute a so-called flow experience.
The problem with the direct-reference theory is that names appear to be meaningful independently of whether they are empty.
Gemination is distinct from stress and may appear independently of it.
Birds with descriptions matching Fallows appeared independently in several countries around 1930, but strains were not established.
The three troupes also appeared independently on the program.
In both these cases the sugar-process appears independently as such, alongside the other activities in the human being.
However other behavioral symptoms can appear independently of craving or co-occur with it.