Several other artists appeared on singles, or on compilation albums.
During that period, Lil Wayne appeared on several mixtapes and singles of other artists.
Curiously for the 'album rock' era, Braithwaite's solo recordings from 1974-78 appeared only on 7-inch singles.
However, songs from this record also appeared on compilation albums and singles, where they always play as heard when Decomposing is played at 45 rpm.
This includes all remixes that had previously appeared on singles.
Most of these remixes also appeared on the Carnival release as well as various twelve-inch singles.
All of the songs on this album previously appeared on other Evangelion albums or singles.
Many of these B-sides have appeared on previous singles.
Thus, he started doing features as a background rapper, appearing on numerous singles.
The recordings appeared on both the soundtrack album and on singles.