My bare feet appeared slightly above the pile of clothes Cassandra had quickly ditched.
At the beginning of June the general torpor appeared slightly to relax its hold upon its victims.
There was nothing special about it except that it appeared slightly out of character.
Parts of some pen strokes disappear; others appear slightly out of registration.
I watched the movements of the sun, waiting to see the dimple appear in that unusual place slightly below the corner of the lips.
The belly is creamy or white and wavy lines may appear slightly above the white belly on the sides.
But a second, purplish-red zone had also appeared slightly to the north of the original scarlet.
However, because of refraction it will usually appear slightly above the horizon at the moment when its "true" middle is rising or setting.
I've asked to have those robots that appeared even slightly out of true in the previous tests concentrated on one side of the circle.
Unfortunately, he did not appear even slightly out of place.