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There were some odd moments at the appellate argument in the case in Pasadena last month.
It heard appellate oral arguments in the case on August 8, 1995.
According to the state commission, five states permit coverage of only appellate arguments, while 42 states, and the Federal courts under their own experiment, allow coverage of trials.
The purpose was to honor graduating 3Ls who had demonstrated outstanding ability in the preparation and presentation of moot appellate argument.
The evening, presented by the Shakespeare Society, was a sophisticated and amusing blend of appellate argument and improvisational theater.
Trials, depositions, motions, appellate arguments.
Questions about the secret filings may figure in the first appellate argument in the challenges, before the Sixth Circuit, in Cincinnati, on Wednesday.
Eighteen months later, the conference voted to give the 13 federal appellate circuits discretion to authorize the televising of appellate arguments in civil cases.
She also prepares lawyers for mock appellate arguments.
Most Supreme Court arguments, like other appellate arguments, are won or lost on the persuasiveness of a lawyer's written arguments.