Governors have usually allowed appellate justices to serve past 70 with a succession of two-year appointments, though not as presiding justice.
The elder Mr. Thompson, a retired appellate justice, strolled to the center of the stage in his judicial robes.
If all we can do is hope that the decision is upheld by appellate justices, then I encourage the country to hope our hearts out.
He was assigned by California Supreme Court as temporary appellate justice from April to December 1994.
We hope that Justice DeGrasse's decision is upheld by the appellate justices, putting it beyond further resistance by state officials.
The appellate justices expressed concern that the patient would die of starvation.
In a ruling earlier this month, the appellate justices upheld the lower court finding that the owners were entitled to recover lawyers' fees.
No appellate justice has ever lost a bid for re-election in Pennsylvania, court officials said.
The Times also reported that case has become so controversial that appellate justices seem to be avoiding it.
The total number of appellate justices in Texas is currently 80, and can range from three to thirteen for each court.