My bet is they have applicants come in for an interview, a typing test and to screen by color.
On average, the applicants came from counties where blacks were 28 percent of the population, more than twice the national average.
The next applicant came across the floor as if he owned it.
Now, when new applicants come into the welfare office, they are asked to give their fingerprints, which are sent to the main computer for analysis.
Since foreigners have traditionally had to pay their own way, applicants have come from more developed countries.
The program is open to all races, but applicants must come from households with annual incomes of less than $40,000.
Another applicant comes, and each mistakes the other for the potential employer.
Many potential employers complain that applicants come to them with a poor knowledge of what the job involves and no particular interest in the company.
So where do all these applicants for Federal judgeships come from?
The applicants came from differing backgrounds and from all over the world.