The applicant may reside in either rural or urban areas, but must be living under the poverty line.
The applicants surveyed have lived in the United States an average of six years.
The applicant can live anywhere if it is close enough for him to get to work on time.
In Suffolk, applicants must live in one of the seven consortium-member towns.
Most applicants lived close to the university of their choice.
Driver's licenses from states in which the applicant hasn't lived or worked.
If those approaches cannot confirm that the applicant lives there, he said, the investigator leaves a letter telling the person to contact the welfare office.
If an applicant does not live within a local authority's area, they can apply to any authority of their choice.
Successful applicants live in a company dormitory and attend a company-run school.
A third applicant, an 86-year-old woman, lives in a house with no heat or indoor plumbing and sleeps on box springs supported by paint cans.