After the 120 places are filled, additional applicants must make do with a waiting list.
They must produce a petition signed by 50 supporters who can explain why the applicant would make a good president.
Has the applicant made an "inventive" contribution to the product of nature?
So many applicants make bad decisions that only if someone who knows had helped it would have made life easier for them.
The applicant made several concessions, including that the public will have unlimited right of inspection.
The winning applicant made no such claim but told of a successful and highly creative campaign he developed at another job.
They may have adequate résumés, but many applicants will never make the final cut.
The most important factor they consider is whether an applicant made all of the minimum payments as agreed.
When the application is approved, the applicant must make a down payment of at least 5 percent.
But, first, the applicants must make their way through a bureaucratic labyrinth.