They were tested on a long series of random patients and each test further refined the work, but each application brought specific results.
The use of bloodstains as evidence is not new; however, the application of modern science has brought it to a higher level.
We are excited about the opportunities this new application will bring to mobile operators, consumers and the industry.
These applications can bring added value to company because:
A brisk application of cold water brought Arcot more nearly awake.
When the new church is planted, this careful explanation and application of the Bible will, above all things, bring life to the congregation.
The application to the wider community brings us to the purpose of our gathering in this place dedicated to unity.
The successful application of game theory to evolution has brought further insights to human behavior.
Aspirin should be avoided, but application of ice packs to the affected joint may bring relief.
The applications thus brought in a total of 14.85 million liras to the party.