We're going to look at five applications, listed in no particular order, designed to make it easy to be green on the go.
For those more interested in the inside of the human body, a new application designed for the iPod is becoming popular with radiologists.
The iPad launched in April 2010 with over 3000 applications designed for it.
Parallel implementation tests are usually used for the applications designed using distributed memory programming models like message passing.
Adobe had to create an application designed to run on a mobile device without turning it into a brick after five minutes.
Each company offers a suite of applications designed to make scheduling simple and organized.
We're working on applications designed specifically for each platform.
EdSmart is a mobile application designed to meet the education needs of the people on mobile.
This is especially common with applications designed for Unix-like operating systems.
Edge Reflow is an application designed to allow for development of responsive web design.