New York University has seen applications rise 145 percent since 1991, to 24,500.
At Yale, which just instituted a more generous financial aid plan for foreign students, such applications rose to 170 from 88 a year ago.
In an example of the "Flutie effect", applications rose by 41% after the 2010 appearance.
For 2009 entry, applications rose by 37 per cent from 2008, one of the biggest increases at any university.
The last time an undergraduate was murdered near the campus, applications also rose.
From 1999 to 2003, applications for disability payments rose more than 50 percent and the number of people enrolled has grown by one million.
The application for permanent residency would rise to $255 from $220.
At the four-year campuses, applications rose by 10 percent in the last decade.
In Europe as a whole, applications for asylum rose more than ten-fold between 1983 and 1992.
And at the top schools, applications are stable or even rising.