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It is based on the techniques of applicative computing.
Applicative order always attempts to apply functions to normal forms, even when this is not possible.
In contrast, applicative order reduction may not terminate, even when the term has a normal form.
Applicative integration, which focuses on methodologies, standards and domain models.
When the applicative voice is applied to a verb, its valency may be increased by one.
English does not have a dedicated applicative prefix or suffix.
However the applicative and causative voices are found in many modern dialects.
ACS give a sound ground for applicative approach to programming.
Applicative computing systems' lack of storage and history sensitivity is the basic reason they have not provided a foundation for computer design.
The applicative construction adds an argument to the verb.
However, prepositions can be compounded with verbs for an applicative effect.
For example, using applicative order reduction, the following sequence of reductions is possible:
This is done essentially using applicative order, call by value reduction (see below), but usually called "eager evaluation".
Benefactive meaning may also be marked on the verb, in a common type of applicative voice.
However the existence of an applicative term ) provides a good starting point to build a λ-calculus algebra.
Applicative order is not a normalising strategy.
Many languages, however, do have dedicated morphology (commonly several affixes), for applicative uses.
Non-stealing is a necessary component in addition to non-possession because of Satyagraha's applicative nature.
An applicative structure W is a combinatory algebra provided:
In the above example, in applicative order reduces first to and then to the normal order , taking two steps instead of three.
There are directive and applicative constructions.
The reference model for applicative integration has been developed in order to emphasise the dependencies between the different models and views to achieve interoperability.
Within combinatory algebra there exists applicative structures.
The above examples expressed in an applicative voice might be similar to the following (in not necessarily grammatical English):
Lisp and ML are applicative programming languages.