Unifying system: the same rules apply for taxa of animals, plants, bacteria among others.
It applies only among States that have ratified the Convention.
"The one thing I would say and what is evident is that the referees are applying the rule consistently among all players."
But this may not apply among young people, among members of particular groups (e.g. students) or in informal settings.
O'Dunne favored neither the rich nor the poor, and applied the law equally among all individuals.
Participants are given stickers or points which they can apply among a list of options; often these are ideas that were generated by the group.
This applies to the system's performance, and methods of access among other things.
The size of these would be appropriate for cleaning the teeth or applying cosmetics, among other possibilities.
The same rule applied among royalty, government officials, and commoners based on rank and status.
In 2011 she applied for the Nogizaka46 auditions among 38,934 other girls.