The law affects companies with at least 20 employees and applies to all workers except those dismissed for gross misconduct.
And even if one were found, she said, the five-year statute of limitations, which applies to most criminal laws except homicide, would bar prosecution.
None of those adjectives applied to Povich, except possibly the first.
This applies to all companies, except companies that file small company accounts.
It applies to all works of sculpture - except those made of glass - selling for more than $1,500 and produced from today on.
A flat fare of 2 with unlimited transfers applies to all lines, except the express link to the airport, which costs 25.
It seems to me it should apply to everyone except those who only have ministerial duties.
The 1695 Act applied to all forms of high treason, except counterfeiting coins.
Why should international conventions apply to everyone except Israel, which is carrying out illegal arrests and torture?
It would apply to all cities in the province except the capital, which is controlled by a municipal legislature.