The video shows Shannon in a dressing room applying make-up as if she is getting ready for a performance.
The sadistic woman is applying make-up to her face while looking into the mirror of a compact.
For this week's mini-challenge, the queens were given the task to apply make-up in the dark.
'Oh, it's you,' she said in a dull voice, and turned away from them to apply make-up.
Then she applied more make-up, and lifted her chin, ready to carry on the act of being happy.
In the novelisation of the same story, they are still married, while she struggles to age herself by applying make-up.
She ran a hot bath, washed her hair and sat down to apply make-up for the first time in three days.
Not that it mattered, she told herself, applying make-up with care, he had a low opinion of her dress sense.
They applied make-up over parts of his face at different stages as the scene demanded.
They are also used to provide a magnified image of the face for applying make-up or shaving.