Restrictions in Canada The story is similar in Canada, whose provinces have not applied internal tariffs since 1867.
Increasingly operators apply separate tariffs, see below.
Increasingly operators apply separate tariffs, partly related to the gradually introduced OV-chipkaart, which combines ticket integration (also with other public transport) with price differentiation.
Increasingly, operators apply separate tariffs, partly related to the gradually introduced OV-chipkaart, which combines card integration with price differentiation.
In rural areas, the water committees apply fixed monthly tariffs independently of use as the use of water meters is not common in these areas.
Many utilities apply two-part tariffs where a volumetric tariff is combined with a fixed charge.
Finding the agreement was not being followed, the Administration applied punitive tariffs in April last year to $300 million of Japanese products.
A failure to apply new tariffs to new forms of imports meant that a key source of revenue was neglected.
Opposition to all tariff Organization aims to reduce tariffs and to avoid countries discriminating between differing countries when applying tariffs.
As the United States began to apply high tariffs on Brazilian manufactured goods, Ernesto Geisel looked for new trade partners.